DejaVu Serif, Book
white square with lower left quadrant
white square with lower right quadrant
white square with upper right quadrant
white circle with upper left quadrant
white circle with lower left quadrant
white circle with lower right quadrant
white circle with upper right quadrant
upper left triangle
upper right triangle
lower left triangle
white medium square
black medium square
white medium small square
black medium small square
lower right triangle
black sun with rays
wheel of dharma
white frowning face
white smiling face
black smiling face
white sun with rays
female sign
male sign
black spade suit
white heart suit
white diamond suit
black club suit
white spade suit
black heart suit
black diamond suit
white club suit
quarter note
eighth note
beamed eighth notes
beamed sixteenth notes
music flat sign
music natural sign
music sharp sign
black rightwards arrow
left s-shaped bag delimiter
right s-shaped bag delimiter
lozenge divided by horizontal rule
mathematical left angle bracket
mathematical right angle bracket
upwards quadruple arrow
downwards quadruple arrow
anticlockwise gapped circle arrow
clockwise gapped circle arrow
right arrow with circled plus
long leftwards arrow
long rightwards arrow
long left right arrow
long leftwards double arrow
long rightwards double arrow
long left right double arrow
long leftwards arrow from bar
long rightwards arrow from bar
long leftwards double arrow from bar
long rightwards double arrow from bar
long rightwards squiggle arrow
braille pattern blank
braille pattern dots-1
braille pattern dots-2
braille pattern dots-12
braille pattern dots-3
braille pattern dots-13
braille pattern dots-23
braille pattern dots-123
braille pattern dots-4
braille pattern dots-14
braille pattern dots-24
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