DejaVu Serif, Book
almost equal to
approaches the limit
geometrically equal to
approximately equal to or the image of
image of or approximately equal to
colon equals
equals colon
not equal to
identical to
less-than or equal to
greater-than or equal to
subset of
superset of
not a subset of
not a superset of
subset of or equal to
superset of or equal to
multiset multiplication
multiset union
square image of
square original of
square image of or equal to
square original of or equal to
square cap
square cup
circled plus
circled minus
circled times
circled division slash
circled dot operator
circled ring operator
circled asterisk operator
circled equals
circled dash
squared plus
squared minus
squared times
squared dot operator
right tack
left tack
down tack
up tack
triple vertical bar right turnstile
double vertical bar double right turnstile
does not prove
not true
does not force
negated double vertical bar double right turnstile
dot operator
left ceiling
right ceiling
left floor
right floor
reversed not sign
square lozenge
place of interest sign
turned not sign
top half integral
bottom half integral
option key
shouldered open box
integral extension
eject symbol
open box
box drawings light horizontal
box drawings heavy horizontal
box drawings light vertical
box drawings heavy vertical
box drawings light triple dash horizontal
box drawings heavy triple dash horizontal
box drawings light triple dash vertical
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